Preparing for Kindergarten

Preparing Your Child for Kindergarten

The “back to school” buzz has started but if your child has never been to school outside of TLC, we can help.

And let’s face it, beginning kindergarten is a huge milestone for you and your child, but your child may not understand how “big” this is! It’s our job as parents and teachers to prepare them for it in many ways. Always remember that you are the parent and need to do what is best for your child – even if it’s harder on you!

Starting school means changes in their daily routine including being away from familiar surroundings, learning new rules, and following directions from other adults. It’s natural to have doubts and fears about change. Here are a few tips:

  1. First, talk to your child about what they can expect but always remember that these talks about going to kindergarten should be simple and exciting!
  2. If you know your class list, reach out to a few friends to arrange a play date the week before school. This will get the kids excited and when they see each other at school it will provide comfort – if needed.
  3. If you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher. They always respond and have been so great to work with.

 A few other things we can share:

  • Manage expectations: In kindergarten, children learn more about social skills than academics (but as a parent, don’t fret – they learn about the ABC’s too!) but instead of drilling your child in the academics, it’s important to focus on how to be a good friend, respecting teachers, how to talk to and play with others, and to follow directions.
  • Group activities: Try to encourage your child to participate in group activities whenever they occur. If you know they are reluctant to join in games or activities, try simple games like “Pin the Tail on the Donkey” or “Musical Chairs” at home.
  • Talk: Simply put, talk to your child about their expectations and what they want to get out of kindergarten. This is more for you – it will give you a baseline of where your child is emotionally and mentally but also give them a way to share any fears that you can address.
  • Self-awareness: Besides learning to be aware of others, children who begin kindergarten need to be aware of their own self. Help him / her memorize basic information such as the correct spelling of their name, age, address, and phone number. When asked this information in school, the confidence they gain will be so exciting, he / she will forget all about the jitters! Your child should also be able to name his or her various body parts. This way, he / she won’t be caught off guard when children or teachers ask these questions. Praise what they’ve learned and respect what they don’t. It’s important that they know that every child won’t know these things.
  • Take a tour: If you haven’t already, don’t shy away from taking a tour of the school. If you’re headed to Center school, give them a call and they will be more than accommodating… they love the kids and with a new principle, this will be a good opportunity to show your child around. * * * At the very least, show them the playground and remind them that school is fun!!

If you have any other concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask for our help. We love your children and you! Congratulations on such a huge milestone.

Hopkinton School calendar:

Important Center School information:

Lauren Dubeau, Principal
11 Ash Street, Hopkinton
Tel: (508) 497-9875
Absentee Call in: (508) 497-9876


Hopkinton Kindergarten Bus from The Learning Center